Although I know there are several horse riding stables in and around Raanana I want to recommend the one I am familiar with "Chavat HaChaim" of Life Farm. Apart from anything else the owners are extremely warm hearted and welcoming, making everyone feel part of an extended family. The Life Farm gives riding leasons to children with all manner of disabilities and handicaps as well as kids and adults that are interested in standard riding lessons and even in competing. The Life Farm has a group of kids which competes in national competitions as well as having general competitions between the Life Farm riders a few times a year. The Life Farm also holds frequent social get togethers, barbeques, and holiday riding courses.
Whether you are interested in therapeutic riding for your child's autism, ADD/ADHD, physical handicap or simply for sport and recreation the Life Farm gets my vote.
You can contact the owner of the Life Farm - Shlomi at :0574560374
Or you can just arrive and have a look around, the Life Farm is on Kvish Kfar Nuchman between Kfar Nuchman and the Raanana cemetery.
FOr the Life Farm website go here: Havat HaHaim
You can also read here about one mother's experience with therapeutic horse riding.