For starters you can get herbs and spices in Raanana supermarkets - Supersal, Mega, Yanot Bitan etc. Perhaps of all the supermarkets Mega in the industrial area has the largest selection and the spices are in their organic section and sold by weight not in pre-packed bags.
Apart from the local supermarket there are two spice stores I can recommend, both are run by old Yemeni men and contain a wide variety of spices. You can get Indian, Yemeni, Moroccan and European spices and other dry products in both these stores. They also sell beans, ginger, sugar rock sweets, dried fruits, pasta and some nuts. The spices are sold by weight from sacks or jars.
Neither of these stores is better than the other but the location and personalities of the owners may make you prefer one or the other. The spice store owners are real characters!
Sarum Spice Store
On Ahuza street on the side of Yad Lebanim on the block between Jabotinski and Brandes Streets. As seen in this photo.
Yeffet Spice Store
In the Yemeni neighborhood of Rasko . The entrance to Rasko is on Witzman Street almost opposite Karen Hayasod and next to the nursery.